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Di Andrea Scopetti

Abbiamo svolto ieri sera ad Orvieto il III° appuntamento di “Incontriamoci per il Partito Democratico”.

L’occasione è servita per aggiornarci: sulla costituzione dell’APD Umbria; sulle prossime iniziative da organizzare per promuovere la sottoscrizione della petizione sulla riforma della legge elettorale; sui risultati del seminario di Orvieto.

Per quanto riguarda il seminario, svolto nei giorni scorsi, si sono espressi giudizi positivi ed è emersa la convinzione che l’appuntamento ha rappresentato una svolta rispetto al percorso verso il Partito Democratico.

Abbiamo deciso che dai prossimi giorni dovremo impegnarci per promuovere, insieme ai partiti, altri momenti di promozione e di formazione per spiegare e condividere questo percorso con piùcittadini, organizzazioni e associazioni possibile.


Google boss warns politicians about Internet power

Imagine being able to check instantly whether or not statements made by politicians were correct. That is the sort of
service Google Inc. boss Eric Schmidt believes the Internet will offer within five years.

Politicians have yet to appreciate the impact of the online world, which will also affect the outcome of elections, Schmidt said in an interview with the Financial Times published on Wednesday.

He predicted that “truth predictor” software would, within five years, “hold politicians to account.” People would be able to use programmes to check seemingly factual statements against historical data to see to see if they were correct.

“One of my messages to them (politicians) is to think about having every one of your voters online all the time, then inputting ‘is this true or false.’ We (at Google) are not in charge of truth but we might be able to give a probability,” he told the newspaper.

The chairman and chief executive of the world’s most popular Internetsearch engine was speaking during a visit to Britain this week, where he met Prime Minister Tony Blair and spoke at the Conservative Party’s annual conference.

“Many of the politicians don’t actually understand the phenomenon of the Internet very well,” Schmidt told the Financial Times. “It’s partly because of their age … often what they learn about the Internet they learn from their staffs and their children.”

The advent of television taught political leaders the art of the sound bite. The Internet will also force them to adapt.

“The Internet has largely filled a role of funding for politicians, but it has not yet affected elections. It clearly will,” Schmidt said.

Writing in the Sun tabloid, the Google boss said the online world has empowered ordinary people with the ability to challenge governments, the media and business.

“It has broken down the barriers that exist between people and information, effectively democratising access to human knowledge,” Schmidt wrote.

“This has made us much more powerful as individuals.”

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