European Innovators in 2018
After a little break in 2017, we are back.
We are going to re build our Italian (it was attacked by a virus last weeks) and International websites and restart our activities during April.
We will organize a new debate on “Projects between Algorithm and Democracy” and update our research projects on “Southern Italy between Europe and Mediterranean” and “issue – project based political parties”.
We are also searching for a new webmaster.
Keep updated and write us at should you like to get involved more.
Discours du Président de la République à la Conférence sur la finance durable (Bruxelles)
European Commission, Bruxelles, le 22 mars 2018. (Ecouter ici)
Merci beaucoup Monsieur le Vice-Président. Merci à la fois pour vos mots et pour l’engagement de la Commission européenne sur cet enjeu du climat. Merci d’avoir organisé cette conférence sur la finance durable et merci à Mike BLOOMBERG une fois encore d’être ici présent pour porter cet engagement de longue date, comme nombre d’ailleurs de visages amis retrouvés dans cet amphithéâtre qui, depuis plusieurs années, bien avant d’ailleurs que d’autres ne s’engagent et que nous nous engagions, ont porté cette cause, cette préoccupation, cette détermination.
Circular Cellular (A Short film on Circular Economy)
Referendum: a turning point constitutional reform (by Nathalie Dompé)
Nathalie Dompé writes to President of Council, Matteo Renzi, and President of Region Abruzzo, Luciano D’Alfonso
Speed, simplicity, proactivity.
Present is, by definition, a continuous object becoming. But to say that our present is evolving rapidly is an understatement: we live in an age that has redefined the concept of speed. To be in step is not enough to be fast: you have to arrive early.
We must innovate. Guess the ideas in the air, find the solution before the problem arises, be ahead in knowledge and mastery of technology. To do this we certainly need will and dynamism, but it also takes a favorable environment. And fewer obstacles to slow down the path.
#COP21 Video: Comprendre le réchauffement climatique en 4 minutes
Press Release: European Innovators brings together the leading South to the Nazareno (PD)
Friday, September 11th, at the national headquarters of the Democratic Party, the “Nazareno”, the Europeans Innovators have met the many local and national realities with which they dialogue for long time to implement a plan to relaunch the South towards its new leading role between Europe and the Mediterranean.
At the annual conference entitled “For a South (Italy) leader between Europe and the Mediterranean” with European Innovators were present administrators, national and local politicians, academics, entrepreneurs, managers of innovative companies. There was some discussion on how the Southern Italy can regain centrality in the policies of the Italian government and in the European ones.
Rome, September 11, 2015 : “For a Southern Italy leadership between Europe and Mediterranean. The proposal of European Innovators”
To download the agenda Click here!
My 2 cents on China’s current economic situation
By Alberto Forchielli
The big picture here is quite cloudy, but I know that I’m not seeing anything good.
I suspect that overall growth is 2-3%, at best, and even that is heavily driven by a few large cities. In most of the country, there probably isn’t any growth at all. For any Chinese operating investment, unless I had some special reason to the contrary, right now I wouldn’t model anything more than flat revenues for 10 years, and I’d probably insist on a recession.
We are all Greeks!
Gianni Pittella in “The most exclusive dining club in Brussels” – Politico Europe

The most exclusive dining club in Brussels
Inside the G5 where ‘the best jokes are told’ and major EU policies are pre-cooked.
The list of power centers where EU policy is made or unmade is already long: the Berlaymont, the Justus Lipsius Council building, the European Parliament’s various headquarters, the German Chancellery, Westminster.
Now you can add another one: the dining room of the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels.